Hello, my name is Lourexel

I live for continual learning and problem solving. I embrace the challenge of full stack development and its future. I always look ahead and believe in change. My professional career reflects teamwork, time management, organizational skills, problem solving and project ownership. My development journey continues to be exhilarating and truly life changing. I have found my passion in development and I truly can’t wait for my next opportunity.

Aside from coding and geeking out on new tech, I enjoy outdoor adventures with my pups and wife, shred Mt. Hood in the winter, volunteer work, build and fix stuff around my house and hang out with friends. I also enjoy attending meetups, conferences, and talks to stay in touch with the community and new technologies.

Want to grab coffee and chat?

I'd love to hear from you!


I'm always learning but these are my current skillsets:











The inspiration from this app literally hits home and was inspired by all of the victims of cancer and their loved ones. This app is a venting social network regarding cancer stories that is aimed not only to help the user release negative energy and emotion but also assures him/her that he/she is not alone. By writing and reading stories I hope that ventAboutCancer can aide with easing the pain.

Front-End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React and Redux
Back-End: Node, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Mocha, Chai, RESTful API
Host: mLab, Heroku

Vent-about-cancer screenshot


F.I.R.E stands for Financial Freedom Retire Early. This app starts off with a questionnaire to engage the user, then it allows the user to log his/her income, expenses and savings and then outputs the results in a pie chart. The app accomplishes aspects of thinking through the questionnaire, action by logging information, and then allowing the user to visually know where his/her money is going towards.

Front-End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery,
Back-End: Node, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Mocha, Chai, RESTful API
Host: mLab, Heroku

F.I.R.E website login screenshot


RANDOM consists on four (4) random options to peruse through that generates random things from its respective API. You can choose to view random advice, activities, dog pictures, or cat pictures. This app was inspired by searching through random API’s, so I decided to create a random app. I think the title suits it purpose perfectly.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery

Random app homepage screenshot


This is my very first app that I’ve created! I learned that brainstorming and figuring out what I wanted to build was my number one challenge. My other problems were coding the app, of course. This is a simple ten (10) questions quiz all about dogs. Try it out!

HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery

Dog quiz homepage screenshot